“Fortune’s Folly” is written by Deva Fagan. This story is about a girl, Fortunata, whose mother has passed on, and she is left with her father. Her father was once a master shoemaker. However, after her mother passed on, he lost all his skills, claiming that “the fairies magic was lost”, that his tools weren’t automatically cleaned in the morning. The fairy magic turned out to be Fortunata’s mother cleaning his tools every morning before she passed on. Fortunata is left to be the only one supporting the family. She offends a military lord and she is forced to leave the city for fear he would come after her and her family. On the road, her donkey is stolen by a troupe, who denies it vehemently. She is unable to travel on; fortunately, “Alessandra the All Knowing” takes her in as an apprentice to her craft as her fortune teller. In fact, she reveals that there is no magic in fortune telling, and there is only trickery. The story progresses to tell about how Fortunata has to tell a prophecy for a prince, and if the prophecy did not come true, she and her family would be slain. It leads her to an adventure with the most unexpected results. She ends up falling for the prince in the end and they marry happily ever after.
This might seem like a classical fairy tale story but I like the way they weaved the story together, and about how Fortunata manages to trick clueless people and how she manages to make the prophecy come true in the weirdest way one would never imagine. I think that is an extremely fun and interesting book.
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