Mdm Lim (the one in a green skirt) is flustered because her neighbour (Mrs Ahmad, the one with the darker skin tone) keeps dumping rubbish on the corridor outside her flat. The setting is mostly on the corridor, part of it shows Mrs Ahmad eating and throwing rubbish through her window out of her flat. Mdm Lim shouts fiercely to Mrs Ahmad to clear her rubbish. Mrs Ahmad refuses, stating that when she paid for her HDB flat she paid for part of the corridor outside too. Mdm Lim then barges into Mrs Ahmad's home, telling Mrs Ahmad to get out. The initial argument between Mdm Lim and Mrs Ahmad eventually leads to a fight. The other residents call the police to step in to stop the fight. Eventually, the two make peace and Mrs Ahmad agrees to dispose of her rubbish properly, while Mdm Lim learns to be more tolerant.
Although Mrs Ahmad was wrong to throw her rubbish on the corridor like that, Mdm Lim should have been more tolerant, and perhaps spoken nicely in the first place to Mrs Ahmad, then perhaps Mrs Ahmad would agree to throw her rubbish. Even if she disagreed, Mdm Lim could have just called the police instead of fighting with Mrs Ahmad.
I chose the corridor as the background as I thought a fight in a home would have been too destructive (breaking windows, vases, things strewn all over), which was why I made Mdm Lim tell Mrs Ahmad to get out of her house. That also adds to the effect of Mdm Lim being fierce to balance out both (Mdm Lim and Mrs Ahmad's) faults. The fact that I chose most of the story to be taken place at the HDB flat is because most people live in flats in Singapore. The close proximity is also one of the reasons why there are conflicts between neighbours (invasion of personal space, like Mrs Ahmad tossing rubbish outside Mdm Lim's flat).
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